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Shenzhen Rubyoung Technology Co., Ltd.
Telefono: +86 13510692069
Indirizzo: Room 0205, 2nd Floor, Yuanxing Science and Technology Mansion East Block, 1 Songpingshan Road, Nanshan District,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, Cina
dal lunedì al venerdì: 9:00 - 18:00
More than just a speaker, but a piece of furniture art
It may not be the spotlight of the house, but the speaker will definitely add so much personality and style to your home.
99.9% sound transimission through speaker cover with specialized technique
Professional speaker canva with Rubyoung's very own patented fabrication printing technology has made the speaker cover almost a perfection for both art and musical use.
R630 & R830
Perfect size for perfect fit.
Recommended Size: 2185 x 4087 px
Recommended Ratio: 16:9
M430 Traveller
Perfect size for perfect fit.
Recommended Size: 2008 x 3012 px
Recommended Ratio: 4:3